2019-2020 ULS Student-Parent Handbook and Handbook Agreement Form – Due 8/13/19 

All students will be given a ULS Student-Parent Handbook Agreement Form during Homeroom on the first day of school, August 8, 2019. Students are to take the Agreement Form home and give it to parents/guardians.

As shared in the information mailed home during the summer, the 2019-2020 ULS Student-Parent Handbook is posted on the ULS website (under Resources) as of August 1st and a hard copy can be requested via the office.

All students and parents are to read, discuss, understand and abide by all of the information and rules in the 2019-2020 Student-Parent Handbook.

Once the family has done this, parents/guardians and students will sign the Handbook Agreement Form and it must be returned to their homeroom teacher by Tuesday, August 13, 2019.

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