We believe that all students can succeed in mathematics and through a dynamic and collaborative environment, students will be able to have a deeper understanding of mathematics. With the use of engaging and student-centered integrated curriculums, students will work to become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and life-long learners.

Grade Level: 12
Core-Plus Mathematics is a four-year unified curriculum that replaces the Algebra-Geometry-Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry-Precalculus sequence. Course 4 further develops student understanding of functions, translations, data analysis, equations, and trigonometry. Students are introduced to vectors, and other concepts of calculus, while simultaneously deepening their understanding of concepts from previous courses such as counting methods and exponential/logarithmic equations.
Instructor: Cody Fisichelli
Grade Level: 11
Core-Plus Mathematics is a four-year unified curriculum that replaces the Algebra-Geometry-Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry-Precalculus sequence. Each course features interwoven strands of algebra and functions, geometry and trigonometry, statistics and probability, and discrete mathematics. Course 3 develops student ability to reason formally about geometric figures, explore optimization using real-world examples, and use data sets to evaluate claims. Students also use technology to help build their understanding of trigonometric functions and their inverses, as well as concepts of recursion and iteration.
Grade Level: 10
Core-Plus Mathematics is a four-year unified curriculum that replaces the Algebra-Geometry-Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry-Precalculus sequence. Each course features interwoven strands of algebra and functions, geometry and trigonometry, statistics and probability, and discrete mathematics. Course 2 develops student ability to recognize, describe, and use functional relationships among quantitative variables, ability to use matrices to represent and solve problems in a variety of real-world and mathematical settings, student understanding of coordinate methods, understanding of the characteristics and interpretation of the least squares regression, understanding of vertex-edge graphs, trigonometric functions, and further develops student ability to understand and visualize situations involving chance by using simulation and mathematical analysis.
Instructor: Cody Fisichelli
Grade Level: 9
Core-Plus Mathematics is a four-year unified curriculum that replaces the Algebra-Geometry-Advanced Algebra/Trigonometry-Precalculus sequence. Each course features interwoven strands of algebra and functions, geometry and trigonometry, statistics and probability, and discrete mathematics. Course 1 develops student ability to recognize and describe important patterns that relate quantitative variables, make sense of real-world data through a variety of methods, and represent relationships among quantities on the coordinate plane. Students also visualize and describe two- and three-dimensional shapes through experimentation and careful reasoning, and solve problems of chance using sample spaces and simulation.
Instructor: Jordan Hendren
Grade Level: 8
Students in the 8th grade mathematics course use the problem-centered curriculum, Connected Mathematics Program (CMP3). Students explore a series of connected problems to develop a deep understanding of mathematics. With the help of their teacher, students abstract powerful mathematical ideas, skills, problem-solving strategies, and ways of thinking. The topics we cover are: Linear & Inverse Variation, The Pythagorean Theorem, Linear & Nonlinear Functions, Symmetry & Transformations, Systems of Linear Equations & Inequalities.
Instructor: Jordan Hendren
Grade Level: 7
Students in the seventh grade mathematics course use the problem-centered curriculum, Connected Mathematics Program (CMP3). Students explore a series of connected problems to develop a deep understanding of the mathematics. With the help of their teacher, students abstract powerful mathematical ideas, skills, problem-solving strategies, and ways of thinking. The topics we cover are: two-dimensional geometry, integers and rational numbers, understanding similarity, ratios, rates, percents, and proportions, linear relationships, probability and expected value, three-dimensional geometry, and making comparisons and predictions.
Instructor: Lorraine Kojima
Grade Level: 6
Students in the sixth grade mathematics course use the problem-centered curriculum, Connected Mathematics Program (CMP3). Students work to develop a strong foundation of problem-solving and number sense by listening to, questioning, and discussing ideas. The concepts we cover are: factors and multiples, rations, rational numbers, and equivalence, understanding fraction measurement, two- dimensional measurement, computing with decimals and percent, focus on algebra, and statistics and data analysis.